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SQL-Builder 4.2

CodeGen 1.1

Seagull 1.0

DMS 1.1
"Thank you, this is awesome...
...This sort of functionality took a team of engineers 6 months or more in the last version of the product. This took less than a week."
Jeffrey Tucker
Software Architect

Seagull, a CASE tool, Design and Implementation Integrated, the most revolutionary advanced technology in Database Application Development to reduce your cost...

Seagull by NQLSoftware

Following the requirement phase, developers have to design business object model, design database schema, design presentation layer, design business object layer...  Once the designs are reviewed and approved, implementation, the longest phase in software development life cycle, begins. Developers create database then write codes to save each piece of information from the form to appropriate field of a table in the database. To do this, Developers must know the database structure, the data type of each column in order to create the appropriate input controls, convert the text input from the form to appropriate type, and have knowledge of ADO, ADO.net etc.  Developers must then write SQL statements to save the data to the database.  Furthermore, if the database schema is modified, programmers must repeat the process (a full SDLC) for each additional change.  To simplify the steps above, NQLSoftware developed Seagull, a CASE tool that performs these tasks to save your developments, your time, and thereby reduce your production costs. 

Not only does the Seagull design tool create business object model easily (Inheritance and containment supported), it also

  • creates database schema, 

  • generates GUI (Win Form and Web Form) and business object layer source code (C#, VB.net and VC++)

  • saves data to database and load data from database without additional modification of the classes generated

GUI Classes

  1. Win Form:
    For each entity, Seagull creates a form (class) derived from GUIPersistence containing the appropriate control for each attribute. The controls include but are not limited to NQLSoftware custom controls e.g. NQLDatetimePicker, NQLPictureBox, NQLFile, NQLGUID, NQLRefComboBox and also “Save” and “Close” buttons (optional).

  2. Web Form:
    For each entity, Seagull creates a aspx file and codebehide (VS7) or codefile(VS8) asps.cs (C#) or aspx.vb (VB), Codebehide  and codefile class derived from WebFormPersistence containing the appropriate control for each attribute.

Business Object Model Classes

From your business object model (diagram), Seagull also creates business object model classes allowing you to traverse from one class to another via associations. It also allows you to transfer data between class and database without having knowledge of the database structure or writing SQL statements. For each entity, Seagull generates a class. The class derives from ObjPersistence and has the appropriate properties for each attribute of the entity and the appropriate containment is referred to as an association (a object or a object collection) and inheritance.

No need to write SQL statement.  GUI classes and object model classes work together seamlessly.

Traditionally, the approval of the design is just the beginning of the implementation phase.
But with Seagull, the approval of the design is near the end of the implementation phase.

Contact Us 4200 Wade Green Rd. Unit# 4. Kennesaw, GA 30144. Phone: 678-494-5440. Fax: 703-538-2216
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